Posted on 1/11/2022
Vehicle batteries may seem like they last a lifetime, but just like any other batteries, they grow weaker and lose their charge quicker over time. Most mechanics suggest that you should replace your car battery every few years (5 years max.) so that you can continue to obtain reliability and peak performance out of it. Besides time, you can also look at the signs that may warrant a need for a new battery. Signs That You Need A Car Battery Replacement If you're not experienced with automobiles, you probably can't pinpoint exactly when your battery may need to be replaced. Weak batteries rarely show signs of issues early on. However, your battery will need to be replaced if it demonstrates the following symptoms: Car Takes Longer to Start This is almost always a telling sign that the battery needs to be replaced soon. Sometimes, extremely cold weather (or hot) can make it more difficult to start your car. However, if the battery is nearly drained, you will have to face ... read more