Posted on 8/30/2022
Have you ever driven your car and felt extreme instability? Your car is veering one way or another, and your car experiences the shakes. These signs are often related to wheel misalignment. While wear and tear can gradually shift your vehicle’s wheels out of alignment, it is usually disastrous accidents that cause your car’s wheels to knock out of alignment. When you run over potholes, jam into a curb, or hit another car or object with heavy impact, you’re due for an alignment problem. Misaligned wheels may not seem obvious at first, but the symptoms worsen over time. Furthermore, the damage can spread to your suspension. Experts and automakers recommend having your car’s alignment checked at least once a year just for safety measures. Wheel alignment involves the angles of your tires, also known as the toe and camber. We invite you to Westside Service for all your vehicle alignment needs/ Signs That Indicate Misaligned Wheels Drifting Left o ... read more